Teaching Courses


Digital Studies and Strategies, University of Colorado Denver, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023

US History Since 1876, University of Colorado Denver, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022

Theory and Practice of History: An Introduction to the Major, University of Colorado Denver, Spring 2021, Fall 2022

The History Seminar: A Capstone Experience, University of Colorado Denver, Fall 2020, Spring 2022

Data: A User Manual, University of Colorado Denver, Fall 2021

Civil War & Reconstruction, Northeastern University, Spring 2019, University of Colorado Denver, Fall 2020

Digital Space and Place, Northeastern University, Spring 2018, Spring 2020

Introduction to United States History, Northeastern University, Fall 2018, Spring 2020

Texts, Maps, and Networks: Methods and Readings in Digital History, Northeastern University, Fall 2018, Fall 2019

History of the Western U.S., Northeastern University, Spring 2018, Fall 2019

History and Trump, Northeastern University, Fall 2017

Mapping the Past: A Spatial History of the United States, Rutgers University, Spring 2016

The Digital Historian’s Toolkit: Studying the West in an Age of Big Data, Stanford University, Autumn Quarter 2012

Tooling Up for Digital Humanities, Stanford University, Spring Quarter 2011

Awards and Grants

CU Next Award ($297,271), “Data Advocacy for All: An Open Access Digital Repository for Innovative Data-Driven Curricula,” 2022-2025

  • One of five projects selected as part of initiative to support faculty pedagogical innovation across University of Colorado campuses

ThinqStudio Faculty Fellowship, University of Colorado Denver, 2022-2024

  • Two-year fellowship to support teaching experimentation and sharing of pedagogy across campus

Teaching Enhancement Grant ($1,350), Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning, University of Colorado Denver, 2022-2023

  • Funds to purchase domains and server space for students enrolled in Introduction to Digital Studies

Centennial Award for Graduate Teaching, Stanford University, 2014

  • University-wide award for outstanding graduate teaching in Stanford’s Schools of Humanities and Sciences, Earth Sciences, and Engineering.

Prize for Excellence in First-Time Teaching, Stanford University, 2010-2011

  • Awarded by the Stanford History Department to one new teaching assistant each year.

Service and Mentoring

Peer Teaching Mentor, Stanford University, 2013-2014

  • As a Peer Teaching Mentor I led the Stanford History Department’s graduate pedagogy program. This included organizing an all-day training session for first-time TAs, a quarter-long syllabus design workshop to prepare students to teach their own course, and a TA shadowing program for first-year graduate students to sit in on discussion sections led by current TAs.