Tableau Public II


The goal of today is continue to develop your comfort with working with, analyzing, and visualizing data using Tableau Public. For the purposes of today, you’re going to be using a dataset that Professor Blevins is in the process of working on as part of a larger project examining the history of the lesbian feminist movement during the 1970s and 1980s.

Download the dataset from the in-class Slack channel. In the interests of time, Professor Blevins will explain the dataset.

Visualize the data

For each sheet, take a couple minutes to try to build the visualization on your own. Professor Blevins will then walk through how to build that visualization together before you can proceed to the next visualization.

Sheet 1:

  • Create a bar chart: which state has the SECOND MOST entries in this dataset? How many entries come from that state?

Sheet 2:

  • Create a treemap: which is the most common “content type” - ie. advertisement, directory, request, donation, etc.?
  • Add a label to your treemap that shows the number of records for each content type

Sheet 3:

  • Create a dot map: map every location (city) that appears in the dataset.
  • Size the dots according to how many records there are from each location
  • Change the color, size, opacity, border, and halo to make it more legible

Sheet 4:

  • Create a density map: map the geographical density of records in the dataset
  • Select the density option under the marks dropdown
  • Change the color scheme, size, and opacity to make it more legible