Self Assessments

You will be writing three self assessments in this class. The first two self assessments are short, 2-3 paragraphs that convey to me: a) the areas of the class in which you’ve been doing well along with examples of how you’ve been excelling, b) the areas of the class in which you could be doing better, and c) what your learning goals are for the remainder of the semester. The final self assessment is a longer, 2-3 page reflection on the semester that expands on what you accomplished (along with concrete examples), any areas in which you struggled or wish you had done better, how you want to apply what you’ve learned in this class to your studies or career moving forward, and the overall grade that you feel you deserve for the class. Submit your self assessments on Canvas by the following due dates:

Self-Assessment #1 due February 20th by 11:59PM

Self-Assessment #2 due April 3rd by 11:59PM

Self-Assessment #3 due May 12th by 11:59PM