Final Project

For your final project, you will be producing some kind of digital product that is going to be useful to you. This project can be created collaboratively or individually, and I will be working with you over the course of the semester to develop a feasible project and plan for completion. You can approach this project in a few different ways. You might use it as an opportunity to delve deep into a particular method or technology (say, ArcGIS mapping software) and gain a working competence with it. Or your can orient the project around having a finished product to show to potential employers as part of a larger portfolio of digital work. Again, I urge you to think creatively and carefully about what kind of project will be most beneficial to you. To that end, I am going to ask each of you to keep a project journal over the course of the semester in which you jot down ideas or links to articles and tools might be useful.

You will present your final projects during the last week of class, during which you will receive feedback from your peers and Professor Blevins. You will then make revisions and submit a final version of the project.

Rough Draft due on Canvas May 3rd by 3:30PM

Presentation of project due in class May 3rd or May 5th

Final Draft due on Canvas May 11th by 11:59PM