
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. “Separated, but far from alone”: Forging Lesbian Networks in the 1970s–1980s
    Cameron Blevins , and Annelise Heinz
    Pacific Historical Review, Aug 2024


  1. Digital History and the Civil War Era
    Cameron Blevins , and Christy Hyman
    The Journal of the Civil War Era, Aug 2022


  1. Paper Trails: The US Post and the Making of the American West
    Cameron Blevins
    Aug 2021


  1. Sound and Community:“Singing Box 331” as Digital History
    Cameron Blevins
    The William and Mary Quarterly, Aug 2020


  1. A Tour of the Virtual Stacks
    Cameron Blevins
    Modern American History, Aug 2019
  2. Women and Federal Officeholding in the Late Nineteenth-Century U.S.
    Cameron Blevins
    Current Research in Digital History, Aug 2019


  1. Digital history’s perpetual future tense
    Cameron Blevins
    Debates in the Digital Humanities, Aug 2016
  2. American Panorama: Part I
    Cameron Blevins
    Cameron Blevins, Aug 2016
  3. Predict gender from names using historical data
    Lincoln Mullen , Cameron Blevins , and Benjamin Schmidt
    Aug 2016


  1. The Postal West: Spatial Integration And The American West, 1865-1902
    Cameron Blevins
    Aug 2015
  2. Jane, John... Leslie? A Historical Method for Algorithmic Gender Prediction.
    Cameron Blevins , and Lincoln Mullen
    DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, Aug 2015
  3. The perpetual sunrise of methodology
    Cameron Blevins
    Personal website: http://www. cameronblevins. org/posts/perpetualsunrise-methodology, Aug 2015
  4. Gender: predict gender from names using historical data
    Lincoln Mullen , Cameron Blevins , and Ben Schmidt
    Aug 2015
  5. gender: Predict Gender From Names Using Historical Data. R package version 0.5. 2
    Lincoln Mullen , C Blevins , and B Schmidt
    Aug 2015


  1. Mining and Mapping the Production of Space: A View of the World from Houston
    Cameron Blevins
    Aug 2014
  2. Space, nation, and the triumph of region: A view of the world from Houston
    Cameron Blevins
    The Journal of American History, Aug 2014


  1. Tooling up for digital humanities
    A Robichaud , and C Blevins
    Journal of Information Systems. Vol, Aug 2011
  2. Topic Modeling Historical Sources: Analyzing the Diary of Martha Ballard.
    Cameron Blevins
    In DH , Aug 2011


  1. Topic modeling Martha Ballard’s diary
    Cameron Blevins
    Cameron Blevins, Aug 2010


  1. wave-mechanics.gif
    Letters on wave mechanics
    Aug 1967


  1. brownian-motion.gif
    Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement
    Albert Einstein
    Aug 1956


  1. AJP
    The meaning of relativity
    Albert Einstein, and AH Taub
    American Journal of Physics, Aug 1950


  1. Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?
    A. EinsteinB. Podolsky, and N. Rosen
    Phys. Rev., May 1935


  1. Relativity: the Special and General Theory
    Albert Einstein
    May 1920


  1. Über die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der Wärme geforderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Flüssigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen
    A. Einstein
    Annalen der physik, May 1905
  2. Ann. Phys.
    Un the movement of small particles suspended in statiunary liquids required by the molecular-kinetic theory 0f heat
    A. Einstein
    Ann. Phys., May 1905
  3. On the electrodynamics of moving bodies
    A. Einstein
    May 1905