
Assignment Description

In your second podcast you will select a Civil War memorial, statue, or monument and conduct research about its history. You will then plan out and record a podcast about the memorial. Iā€™m giving you wide latitude to take this assignment in any direction you like. You could, for instance, focus mainly on the history that the memorial is commemorating (a particular battle or person), or the context surroundings its construction, or present-day controversies around its presence or removal.

Deadline: Sunday, October 18th, by 11:59PM

Assignment Details

You will record a podcast that is approximately 10-15 minutes in length. In addition to the recording, you should submit a detailed outline of your episode that you write prior to recording along with a Works Cited. The outline should NOT be a word-for-word script, but should consist of organized notes about your main points along with the full transcriptions of any quotes you want to use. The Works Cited should consist of a list of all the sources you consulted while researching and recording your podcast, formatted in any citation style you are comfortable with (default to Chicago Manual of Style).

If you are working in a pair: both people need to speak during the podcast, but it is up to you how to divide the speaking time. You are responsible for making sure the overall labor is shared evenly (ie. one person is responsible for recording and editing, the other does more speaking or writes the outline). At the bottom of your Word document, include a short description of how you divided the work.

Each episode should be submitted as follows to this Dropbox link:

  1. Podcast in MP3 format (<50MB file size) with the file named: StudentLastName-podcast-2.mp3 (ex. Blevins-podcast-2.mp3).
  2. Word document of: a) the written outline of your episode, and b) the Works Cited containing sources you consulted for your episode. The file should be named: StudentLastName-podcast-2.docx (ex. Blevins-podcast-2.docx).

I will be evaluating your podcasts using this rubric.